Welcome to this week’s update from Team Todd, where we run through what Todd is up to, what’s coming soon, and a few interesting articles that highlight just how important conservative leadership is right now with Democratic control of the White House and Congress.

Todd Honored Marine Cpl. Kelsee Lainhart
Todd joined the parents of Marine Cpl. Kelsee Lainhart of Lawrenceburg to recognize their daughter’s selfless service to our nation. Marine Cpl. Lainhart was injured fighting for our freedom during the Kabul airport attack this past August.
Join Todd in praying for her continued recovery. Todd is thankful that we have brave Hoosiers like Cpl. Lainhart serving in our Armed Forces. God Bless her and all of our veterans and their families.
Biden Favors Illegal Immigrants Despite Crisis at Our Southern Border
We’re experiencing the highest level of illegal immigration in American history, yet Biden-Harris refuse to even acknowledge the crisis on our southern border.
Unfortunately, with the vacuum of leadership in the Oval Office, this historic crisis will only get worse as President Biden is in talks to pay illegal immigrants who broke our laws $450,000 and offer illegal immigrants taxpayer funded child care.

Todd’s Endless Frontier Act Triggers the Chinese Communist Party to Actively Lobby American Companies Against Bill
Xi Jinping is strong arming American business leaders to oppose Todd’s Endless Frontier Act and threatening the market shares of companies if they don’t sink Todd’s bill.
Todd will keep fighting to create high-paying American jobs, supercharge our military, and ensure that America outcompetes the Chinese Communist Party for generations to come.

Todd Headlined the Dearborn County Lincoln Day Dinner
Todd joined fellow conservatives at the Dearborn County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner where he updated Hoosiers on his efforts to fight back against the Biden-Pelosi reckless spending spree.
Todd thanks Senator Chip Perfect for hosting at Indiana’s own Perfect North Slopes — the most visited ski area in the entire Midwest.
Where are Todd’s Troops?
This week, Todd’s Troops hosted a training in Tippecanoe County for conservative leaders.

WIBC: Young: China is ahead and is trying to stop the US from catching up
New York Post: Biden pushes $1.75T spending bill amid worst inflation since 1990
WIBC: Thanksgiving meal will cost more to make this year compared to 2020