Confirmed 234 Constitutionalist Judges
Todd supported the confirmation of 234 constitutionalist federal judges, which includes Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. Additionally, Todd was instrumental in convincing President Donald Trump to select Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court and he introduced her at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Without Todd’s leadership, we would not have Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court.

The Endless Frontier Act
Through Todd Young’s leadership, we passed the CHIPS and Science Act. It’s the largest, boldest, most all encompassing anti-Chinese Communist Party legislation to ever pass the Senate in American history. It will strengthen U.S. manufacturing and innovation, enabling us to grow more American jobs and economically outcompete the Chinese Communist Party into the 21st century.

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act
Todd has spent his entire life standing with law enforcement and proudly wrote the Police Mental Health bill that was signed into law by President Donald Trump.

A+ Rating from National Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony List
Todd is proudly endorsed by the pro-life National Right to Life and Susan B. Anthony List and has cosponsored numerous pro-life bills, including the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

A+ Rating from the NRA
Todd has an A+ rating from the NRA, because throughout his time serving our state he has stood up and opposed anti-Second Amendment legislation championed by President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.