Welcome to this week’s update from Team Todd, where we run through what Todd has been up to, what’s coming soon, and a few interesting articles that highlight just how important conservative leadership is right now with Democratic control of the White House and Congress.
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Todd’s Troops March in Independence Day Parades Across Indiana
Todd hopes all Hoosiers had a safe and fun Independence Day weekend celebrating our freedoms with friends and family. Todd’s Troops marched in parades in New Haven, Brownsburg, and Carmel.

Under President Trump and a GOP Senate Majority, illegal border crossings were at a 50-year low.
After just over 100 days, the Biden-Harris open borders agenda opened the floodgates, and a 20-year high in illegal immigration.
Click here to sign the petition calling on Biden to secure the border!

CNBC: Drivers will face the highest July 4th gasoline prices in 7 years and they are heading higher
President Biden’s war on affordable energy and Green New Deal agenda gave us 7-year high gas prices over Independence Day weekend.
We need leaders in Washington who prioritize U.S. energy independence and production to grow more jobs and keep prices affordable for American workers and families.

Fox News: HHS should reinstate fetal tissue research ethics board, 37 senators and 100 reps demand in letter
Herald Journal: Monticello veteran receives France’s highest honor for World War II service
News and Tribune: Indiana Republicans oppose Biden administration’s block of Medicaid work rules
Hoosier Ag Today: New Indiana FFA Officers Elected